24 research outputs found

    Optimization-based Determination of TFT Contact Resistances in Python

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Lodz University of Technology.The paper presents an optimization-based methodology for the determination of thin-film transistors series contact resistancefigmethodology in Python is presented. The validity of results obtained against experimental devices characteristics is demonstrated. The advantage and limitations of the proposed methodology are also discussed.authorsversionpublishe

    Using Variable Width RF Integrated Inductors for Quality Factor Optimization

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    Part 20: Electronics: RF ApplicationsInternational audienceThe advancement of CMOS technology led to the integration of more complex functions. In the particular of wireless transceivers, integrated LC tanks are becoming popular both for VCOs and integrated filters [1]. For RF applications the main challenge is still the design of integrated inductors with the maximum quality factor. For that purpose, tapered, i.e., variable width inductors have been proposed in the literature. In this paper, analytical expressions for the determination the pi-model parameters, for the characterization of variable width integrated inductors are proposed. The expressions rely exclusively on geometrical and technological parameters, thus granting the rapid adaptation of the model to different technologies. The results obtained with the model are compared against simulation with ASITIC, showing errors below 10%. The model is then integrated into an optimization procedure where inductors with a quality factor improvement in the order of 20-30% are obtained, when compared with fixed width inductors

    A Multi-objective Simulation Based Tool: Application to the Design of High Performance LC-VCOs

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    Part 16: Optimization Techniques in EnergyInternational audienceThe continuing size reduction of electronic devices imposes design challenges to optimize the performances of modern electronic systems, such as: wireless services, telecom and mobile computing. Fortunately, those design challenges can be overcome thanks to the development of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. In the analog, mixed signal and radio-frequency (AMS/RF) domains, circuit optimization tools have demonstrated their usefulness in addressing design problems taking into account downscaling technological aspects. Recent advances in EDA have shown that the simulation-based sizing technique is a very interesting solution to the ‘complex’ modelling task in the circuit design optimization problem. In this paper we propose a multi-objective simulation-based optimization tool. A CMOS LC-VCO circuit is presented to show the viability of this tool. The tool is used to generate the Pareto front linking two conflicting objectives, namely the VCO Phase Noise and Power Consumption. The accuracy of the results is checked against HSPICE/RF simulations

    Supervised period of training of the technician in nutrition dietetics in hospital institutions: to the optics of the trainees

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a contribuicao do estagio supervisionado, em Instituicoes Hospitalares, na formacao profissional do tecnico em Nutricao e Dietetica, na otica dos estagiarios. Como objetivos especificos se propoem a identificar expectativas, facilidades e dificuldades do estagiario em relacao ao estagio supervisionado, discutir as experiencias significativas para a sua formacao profissional e apontar sugestoes para otimizar seu processo de formacao profissional. Participaram da pesquisa 18 alunos do ultimo modulo do curso Tecnico em Nutricao e Dietetica de duas escolas da cidade de São Paulo (uma publica e outra privada). Entre os participantes foram selecionados dez alunos que nao haviam realizado o estagio supervisionado, mas tinham interesse em estagiar em Instituicoes Hospitalares, e oito alunos apos o termino do estagio na area hospitalar. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se a entrevista semi-estruturada, sendo que os dados obtidos sofreram analise tematica. Os resultados evidenciaram que, embora as motivacoes para realizar o estagio na area hospitalar situem o interesse dos alunos na area clinica, a principal area de insercao de estagio ainda e a area de producao e em menor medida a de administracao. Os alunos referiram que o estagio contribui com conhecimentos e desenvolve habilidades para atuar na area de producao, envolvendo questoes tecnicas especificas e restritas, como controle de qualidade dos alimentos. As relacoes interpessoais e trabalho em equipe, tambem foram abordadas durante o estagio, ficando restritas a area de producao Na opiniao dos alunos, o estagio deveria ser direcionado tambem para as areas de clinica e administracao, o que poderia facilitar a atuacao profissional do tecnico nessas areas, segundo contempla a atual legislacao. Satisfeitos com o processo de formacao escolar, os alunos enfatizaram que a escola oferece uma boa preparacao durante o curso tecnico em Nutricao e Dietetica. Alem disso, a instituicao educativa encaminha, orienta e prepara para o estagio supervisionado. A necessidade de supervisao tanto da Instituicao Educativa como da Instituicao concedente durante o periodo de estagio e a maior articulacao entre ambas as instituicoes foi sugerido pelos participantes. Diante de situacoes desafiadoras, os alunos apresentam propostas de mudancas e sugestoes para melhoria do servico. A pesquisa evidenciou que a definicao do papel e atribuicoes e a formacao abrangente que prepara os tecnicos de forma critica e criativa nas diferentes areas sao questoes que precisam ser aprofundadasThis paper analyzes the contribution of supervised training at hospital institutions to the professional development of the Nutrition and Dietetics Technician as viewed by the trainees. Eighteen students taking their last discipline of the Technical Course on Nutrition and Dietetics and coming from two schools in the city of São Paulo (one private and one public) participated in the research. Ten students who did not do the supervised training but were interested in being trainees at hospital institutions and 8 students who had already finished their training in the hospital area were selected to participate. The semi-structured interview was used to gather data. The results showed that even though the motivation to do some training in hospital institutions points to an interest in the clínical area, the main field of admission for training is still in the production area. The students mentioned that the training contributes knowledge and skills to their performance in the area of production, involving technical issues such as food quality control, interpersonal relations and teamwork. Although the course also offers subsidies for work in the clínical and administrative areas, the training focuses on the production area. According to the students, the training should be geared towards the clínical and administrative areas. Satisfied with the program syllabus, students emphasized that the school gives directions, guides and prepares for the supervised training and the need for supervision from both the Educational Institution and the providing Institution during the training period. Having faced challenging situations, the students presented proposals for changes and suggestions for the improvement of the service. The research showed that the definition of the trainee’s role in hospital institutions is an issue that needs to be further reviewedBV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    O projeto Desenvolvimento de Competências de Coordenação Pedagógica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

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    UID/LIN/03213/2019No ano letivo de 2016-17, o Gabinete de Desenvolvimento Profissional dos Docentes da Universidade Nova de Lisboa iniciou, com um grupo de Coordenadores de 1.º Ciclo e de Mestrado Integrado, o Projeto “Desenvolvimento de Competências de Coordenação Pedagógica”. Visou-se capitar os Coordenadores com competências que lhes permitissem desempenhar as suas funções de forma eficaz e valorizar a função de Coordenador aos olhos da instituição. Definiram-se estratégias que contemplaram a participação ativa dos Coordenadores no desenvolvimento das suas próprias competências e realizaram-se dois cursos – um de Desenvolvimento de Competências de Supervisão e outro de Design Thinking. A partir da formação, surgiram três focos de interesse e três subprojectos – um ligado ao ensino universitário e ao valor que lhe é atribuído pela sociedade, outro que se centrou no tipo de aulas preferidas pelos estudantes e, finalmente, um terceiro sobre a função de Coordenador propriamente dita. Independentemente dos resultados obtidos em cada subprojecto, realça-se a importância que os doentes participantes atribuíram ao facto de terem trabalhado em conjunto e de terem vivido, de forma harmoniosa, um projeto transversal a toda a universidade. Para este ano alargou-se o grupo e o âmbito do Projeto para abarcar mais questões relacionadas com a pedagogia no Ensino Superior e com a formação pedagógica dos docentes.publishersversionpublishe

    Robust Optimization-Based High Frequency Gm-C Filter Design

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    Part 16: Optimization in ElectronicsInternational audienceAn optimization-based methodology for designing robust high frequency Gm-C filters is presented. In the first step of the design, the topology for high-frequency Gm-C filter is obtained directly from an active RC prototype, using the a transformation method proposed in [1]. where a transformation method for designing Gm-C filters from known RC filters while grounding floating capacitors is proposed. In the above mentioned paper the filter elements values are obtained by a user-defined methodology which can produce high sensitivity to component variations. In the work developed, the analytical characterization of a 2nd order Gm-C Sallen-Key LP filter is considered as well as the corresponding symbolic expressions for their sensitivity to component value variations. By using the minimization of the sensitivity as a goal function in the optimization process, parasitic capacitances are canceled and robust designs are obtained. Optimization and simulations results that validate the theoretical results are presented

    PSO-Based Design of RF Integrated Inductor

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    Part 16: Optimization in ElectronicsInternational audienceThis paper addresses an optimization-based approach for the design of RF integrated inductors. The methodology presented deals with the complexity of the design problem by formulating it as a multi-objective optimization. The multi-modal nature of the underlying functions combined with the need to be able to explore design trade-offs leads to the use of niching methods. This allows exploring not only the best trade-off solutions lying on the Pareto-optimum surface but also the quasi-optimum solutions that would be otherwise discarded. In this paper we take advantage of the niching properties of lbest PSO algorithm using ring topology to devise a simple optimizer able to find the local-optima. For the efficiency of the process analytical models are used for the passive/active devices. In spite the use of physics-based analytical expressions for the evaluation of the lumped elements, the variability of the process parameters is ignored in the optimization stage due to the significant computational burden it involves. Thus in the final stage both the Pareto-optimum solutions and the quasi-optimum solutions are evaluated with respect to the sensitivity to process parameter variations

    Comparative Validation of Conventional and RNA-Seq Data-Derived Reference Genes for qPCR Expression Studies of Colletotrichum kahawae.

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    Colletotrichum kahawae is an emergent fungal pathogen causing severe epidemics of Coffee Berry Disease on Arabica coffee crops in Africa. Currently, the molecular mechanisms underlying the Coffea arabica-C. kahawae interaction are still poorly understood, as well as the differences in pathogen aggressiveness, which makes the development of functional studies for this pathosystem a crucial step. Quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) has been one of the most promising approaches to perform gene expression analyses. However, proper data normalization with suitable reference genes is an absolute requirement. In this study, a set of 8 candidate reference genes were selected based on two different approaches (literature and Illumina RNA-seq datasets) to assess the best normalization factor for qPCR expression analysis of C. kahawae samples. The gene expression stability of candidate reference genes was evaluated for four isolates of C. kahawae bearing different aggressiveness patterns (Ang29, Ang67, Zim12 and Que2), at different stages of fungal development and key time points of the plant-fungus interaction process. Gene expression stability was assessed using the pairwise method incorporated in geNorm and the model-based method used by NormFinder software. For C. arabica-C. kahawae interaction samples, the best normalization factor included the combination of PP1, Act and ck34620 genes, while for C. kahawae samples the combination of PP1, Act and ck20430 revealed to be the most appropriate choice. These results suggest that RNA-seq analyses can provide alternative sources of reference genes in addition to classical reference genes. The analysis of expression profiles of bifunctional catalase-peroxidase (cat2) and trihydroxynaphthalene reductase (thr1) genes further enabled the validation of the selected reference genes. This study provides, for the first time, the tools required to conduct accurate qPCR studies in C. kahawae considering its aggressiveness pattern, developmental stage and host interaction